Mallanca: Tradition duel leg strength

The duel to strength of the calf , known as tradition of Malanca is a unique tradition of hereditary society in South Sulawesi . In general , this tradition is done every year after harvest and held as a thanksgiving feast .
Tradition Mallanca or Mapalanca done is pitted each calf leg strength by kicking each other . Every young and old men show of force by turns their calves in the arena .

As in the hamlet village Paroto Samaelo , sub district Barebbo Bone , South Sulawesi, where farmers still preserve this tradition . Although impressed anarchist tradition but is always greeted with great joy and delight by the local community .
Location performances Mallanca tradition done in an area that has been harvested paddies . Hundreds of people flocked while mothers bring food to eat as a sign of the start of the event .
Before the food was served to hundreds of participants Malanca , first held ritual salvation by local religious leaders . After the ritual salvation , residents abuzz eating together .
After the meal together , residents then gathered in a circle in an empty lot where the Malanca arena fights will be held . One by one, participants alternately enter the circle to demonstrate the power of his calf . Some participants experienced pain due to sprains and even blow away, but it has become commonplace and become a means of entertainment .
Some areas in South Sulawesi still preserve the hereditary tradition where every year before or after harvest , can still be found . In this tradition , the people basically unites the excitement , joy and express it as a sign of gratitude to the natural ruler .

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