Tanralili Lake, Tourism Regions potentially Killing

Tanralili lake, is a natural tourist area of ​​lakes in the mountain valley reservoir Bawakaraeng - Lompobattang Gowa district in South Sulawesi. The existence of this lake is quite popular since its emergence in 2004, after the massive landslide disaster that ever hit this area in 2003.
Tanralili exact contours of the lake formed from the avalanche that slowly turns into a large reservoir of water flow of the river that flows out of the surrounding rocks. Tanralili before the lake was formed, this area was once a large river with a waterfall.

Tanralili lake conditions are basically not in accordance with safety standards for a tourist visit, despite every week visited by hundreds of the instigators of the outdoors coming from different regions. The surface area of ​​the lake surrounded by hills barren and arid soil and rocks that accumulate fragile, the atmosphere was hot and stuffy because of the lack of trees for shelter. Wind transition season when the region's increasingly troublesome dust come flying along the wind is blowing.

This Tanralili still holds great potential landslide prone. But it seems it was not a serious threat to the "backpacker" local every time invade this place. The footpath leading to the lake is taken approximately 4-5 hours through steep cliffs, is also prone to landslides, there is no security and minimal instructions.

In addition to field conditions are vulnerable, social issues also become a problem, a natural tourist area filled with visitors who seems not to understand the social interaction with both. Valuables be susceptible theft as happened to a group of migrants from Jakarta who was lost bag containing HP, wallet etc. previously some people claim lost items such as stoves, food ingredients, the cooking etc.

To get into the lake Tanralili, starting from the village slopes Lengkese named village, about 20 km from the town of Malino. In this village, visitors will be faced with the administrative system managed simply by the locals. The goal is to register the data at the same time pay the fees for Rp.2000 / head. This fee includes the cost of parking the vehicle. The requirements that must be met visitors to get into the area of ​​the lake that is as much as possible to bring their garbage out of the area and it will be charged when exiting back through the village Lengkese.

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