The Protector of Giant Clams from Extinction

A giant clam conservation land in the Southeast developed in Toli-Toli village in the form of a marine park. This marine park formed from activity carried out by the concerned group of local activists on the survival of marine life, especially the giant clam (Tridacna), which began in October 2009 a small team led by environmental care Habib Nadjar without much consideration immediately realize the conservation idea. By using personal expenses and some donations from friends and family, began conservation activities of the survey, diving, biota transfer, determination of the location of settlements and maintenance carried out even with modest equipment support.

Day and night along the waters of this small team to search the area was previously a natural habitat for a variety of marine life, starting with collecting various species, especially shellfish. Likewise, sea plants, coral reefs and other marine animals such as starfish species, sea cucumbers, ornamental fish, lobster and other marine life. Marine biota collected from several islands close to the village and several other islands in the vicinity. Surveys determining the location of the park started from the sea cliffs at Batu Gong until Toronipa Peninsula. The main location is in Ni’i – Village Tanasa, Toli-Toli village and surrounding waters because of the region known to have a sea mountain (rab) is close to the beach.
January 1, 2010, for the first time five species of giant clam began to be placed in the park and developed to date have been collected and preserved as many as 8,150 species of giant clam from a variety of species, there are 73 giant clam has a size of more than 75 cm. All marine life is placed in an organized and maintained naturally in the sea cliffs and mountain (rab) along four kilometers in four villages, the Village Rapambinopaka, Nii – Tanasa Village, Village Toli-Toli and village centers Wawobungi with concentrations in five seamounts (rab) Nii – Tanasa Village Toli-Toli and village.
In Indonesia known some big giant clam with a size of 1.8 meters in the region of the Paradise Bay, Papua and giant clams measuring about 2 meters in the Wakatobi Marine Park, South East Sulawesi province still. Giant clam with a size of 1.5 meters are also located in the Bunaken Marine Park, Manado, North Sulawesi. All these giant clams are in Eastern Indonesia.
If conservation activities implemented properly, then this marine park will be the first marine park in Indonesia shells integrated with a variety of other marine life. Conservation clams, not only to save marine clams that survived the extinction, but from a variety of vital functions in life in the ocean ecosystem, clams are a natural lifesaver. Kima is cleaner seawater. Of its filter system, then each 1 tail clams able to clean tons of sea water every day so that the sea water becomes clean and healthy. From the results of these pemfilterannya then the main helper for the growth of marine life and coral reefs primarily fish.
In addition, tens to hundreds of millions of eggs produced adult clams could be a food source for fish so abundant clams also serves as a “free food factory” in the ocean. If clams are placed in an area of ​​the sea floor, then the region will be a gathering place for various types of fish, because the fish congregate to hunt food. Thus, at the same time, when the clam eggs have been exhausted, then the various types of fish, particularly reef fish that were in that area will look for other foods and eating harmful algae attached to the coral reefs. By doing so, the coral reefs will become more healthy and maximum growth would be due to be free of harmful algae.
Clam shells also become a medium for the growth of a variety of coralsboth hard corals and soft coralsThusthe shells can rehabilator for seabed areathe main area of​​seabed that has been damagedAnd when added to the beauty of the color of shellfishmeatthen areas that have been damaged and opaquewhen placed shellsthen the area will be alive and beautifulThis potential will be the object of diving and research.
Small team where led by Habib hopes, marine parks Toli-Toli Kima This could be a natural place that could become a tourist attraction for diving, a variety of marine life conservation center, as well as being a decent education and research. The existence of these marine parks also have a positive impact on improving the economy and empowerment of coastal communities and fishermen, especially in the local village.
Location marine park Toli-Toli Kima is located on the coastal strip of coastal villages within 18 km from the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi provincial capital. Most of the main roads have been good so access to this place becomes easier and affordable. If in the area stocking Kima has been uneven, then certainly the region will again be good and in the future, the extent of coral reefs can be perkembanganbiakan various types of fish habitat will be more extensive and fish production will be more and more.
Unfortunately, until now, the government does not yet include clams as one key element in the rehabilitation of coral reefs.

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