The First Glove Festival in Indonesia

Gloves fabric is the hallmark of the community in Indonesia, especially Muslims. The use of gloves does not necessarily refer to a particular religious identity as gloves used by various tribes in Indonesia.
According to historical records, gloves came from Yemen. In the country called futah gloves. Gloves become distinctive tradition up to Oman and Saudi Arabia. Use of gloves has been widespread, not only in the Arabian Peninsula, but also reaches South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, until America and Europe. Gloves were first entered Indonesia in the 14th century, brought by Arab merchants and Gujarat. In subsequent developments, sarong in Indonesia developed in accordance with the diverse traditions and became a symbol of the cultural values ​​of the archipelago.

In South Sulawesi, use adapted to different conditions of day-to-day even for large events. In Bugis society, using a sarong called Mallipa '. Using gloves primary complement the daily life of use for worship, sleep, even for a shower though.
For the people of the town of Pare Pare like Bugis society in general, gloves is one of honor outfit that shows a high value modesty in customs. Most functions gloves complement traditional dresses and religious events. Based on the glove function in life and cultural traditions of the community that encourages the Department of sports, youth and tourism Pare Pare in South Sulawesi to hold a festival glove with the headline "Mallipa Festival '2015. The festival aims to motivate people to appreciate and preserve local culture. With gloves culture, will manifest reflection ancestral tradition as a form of unification aspirations of the people through culture and local wisdom.
Gloves festival or event Mallipa Festival 'held in Wattang bacukiki 2015, the town of Pare Pare March 14-15, 2015. Various cultural arts events shown include Theatrical Culture, Traditional Arts, Tourism Karajae river, and a wide variety of traditional sports competitions. unique, the participants use the gloves and even visitors are also expected to use the gloves to come in this cultural event.
This glove Festival is one of the applications of Local Cultural Preservation program and aims to menasbihkan Bacukiki as development areas Destinations Tourism Village in the town of Pare Pare.

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